Monday, February 22, 2010

The GG files is really starting to take shape. Started loading everything in so that I can start the editing process. Lately I have also just been making a lot of notes for what I want to talk to her about, go deeper with. And I decided that I do want to interview her sisters that are still alive and include them in the film. I was always pretty sure about interviewing them but I wasn't so positive about adding them to the final cut. I think it's really important though to have more then one version of the same story.

GGs sisters who are still with us are Murray, who just had her 90th birthday and who still lives with her husband Vic in the house he built back in the 50s; Fern who is 88 and still lives with her husband; and Alice who celebrated her 99th birthday back in November. I don't know if Alice will be able to be a part of the project as she is really not doing to well and I don't know how much time is left with her.

There are things about GG that absolutely crack me up. Like how she has decided she is going to live past 100. She has settled on this because when you turn 100 you get a letter from the president wishing you a happy birthday. Now keep in mind she didn't really care about being 100 when there was a Republican in the White House but now that there is a Democrat she's all about turning 100. It doesn't hurt that President Obama has "A great tailor, those suits are perfect and excellent teeth! Have you ever seen his teeth Meagan?! They are perfect!" GG has also never missed a chance to vote. It's the only way you can "try to keep the idiots from screwing things up and tell the good ones that they are right."

This Saturday will bring another filming. There's a lot to still cover so I will make sure she has her 8 cups of black coffee before we start....

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