Thursday, February 4, 2010

Second Filming Complete

Hi Everyone!

So I was able to accomplish this past week from both the behind the scenes stuff and the filming aspects all of which were very cool. Great news is I got a composer on board this week for when I get closer to the end. It's really nice to have that wrapped up so early in the process.

On the filming side GG was great this weekend! We focused mostly on her childhood and early twenties and I learned some things about my great grand parents that I never knew. Like my great grandmother was a member of the first class of women graduating from Cal. She got her degree in Latin. She also played the piano and the violin and was an amazing cook. She had three sisters and four brothers one of which was a nun and another died as a child. They are all buried in Palo Alto... GG thinks.

My great grandfather sold real estate out in Contra Costa county and absolutely adored his eight daughters. He thought they were just the best thing that ever happened to him and was always praising him. GG said it was quite the shock when she went out into the world and discovered that all men were not as wonderful as her dad. I really wish I could have known them both but since he was born in 1875 and she in 1883 the odds of that happening were pretty slim. They lived in their house in Berkeley until they both passed, She in 1964 and he in 1967, they were married in 1908.

GG told me about how all of her sisters met their husbands, most at the weddings of another sister and how one by one most of the husband were shipped off to "The War to end all Wars," World War II. How when the war started they were too old to be drafted as they were in their late twenties but as the war dragged on and they needed more soldiers they all received the call. My grandfather was sent to Hawaii for three years and during that time my grandmother never saw him. He was sent to Hawaii because at 29 he was deemed to old to fight. They exchanged letters and pictures as often as they could. She moved back home during the time of his tour as many of her sisters did. Another husband was an airplane mechanic, most of the others were sent to the Navy.

The next go round is really going to focus on her and my grandfather. They were married for 50 years before he passed in 1986 so there are bound to be some great stories there...

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