Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturdays with the GG

So another Saturday down, another day spent with the GG. It's incredible to me how quickly this project has evolved from just a film I was making about our family history in to something so much more. It's really turning into what my generation is missing out on. Maybe missing out on isn't the right way to phrase this. It's more like what we lost but never knew we had. Things like writing letters or simple thank you notes or just stopping into visit someone, just for a chat. That our lives have become so busy that we would rather text someone then talk to them (by the way I had to explain to her what texting was and she still thinks email is useless.)

We talked about what it was like to live in Berkeley in WWII and how it was absolutely nothing like Berkeley is now. And we talked about her and my grandfather. Where they lived, their first date which wasn't really planned to be a date but turned out to be. How they were married almost 8 months to the day later and why they picked the day they got married.

One of my favorite things she does, and she has done this in every taping we have don so far, is that about every 4 minutes she says something to the effect of "and that's my life. Just kinda there. Not to interesting." Then she proccedes to pull out another funny story and talk for another 20 minutes before she says how boring it all was then starts in on another story.

She told me about her favorite car to drive and that she never actually went car shopping. My grandfather had a friend in the car business (GGs term not mine) and he would just show up at the house with a new car for her when my grandpa thought it was time. Her favorite was the convertable Buick. Who knows what type it was but she said she loved that car and if she could she would only drive convertables and never put the top up. Her next car (when grandpa decided it was time for a new one) was the very first Ford Mustang in bright shiney red. That was fun too but she really liked that convertable.

My grandpa on the other hand never, ever drove anything but a Cadilliac.

She told me about when it was finally time for her to stop driving (she was 92) and she gave her car to my sister Kelly. Now this was not some fancy car. It was a silver Geo Storm that was the first car my grandma ever bought on her own at a dealership (she was 86 at the time). She liked that car. She called it "the Bullet." So anyways she gives this car to my sister which my sister the SELLS to my stepdad! GG though this was absolutely hysterical! She couldn't believe that Kely, little sweet Kelly, could be so ruthless. GG said "Well Kel, I guess you'll do alright in this world."

GG really is one of my favorite people to hang out with. Always has been and even if I weren't doing this project I would still be hanging out with her one my saturdays....

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