Monday, February 15, 2010

Things I must remember to talk to GG about

There are certain things I must remember to talk to my grams about. I think the biggest one on that list is marriage. She was married to my grandfather for FIFTY YEARS. Fifty years is nothing to balk at. Especially when I think that I am not even 30 yet (damn close but not yet). Thats is almost double my life time. I want to pick her brain and see how they made it work. How so many of our grandparents made it work and so many of us just can't. The divorce rate now is something like 50% which is scary in it's own right. But how did they make it work? It's not like divorce was unheard of in those days. Rare yes but it's not like it never occurred.

What is it about her generation that was able to go the distance when so many people my age are not. I think I am most interested in this because I have only been married for.... oh gosh.... for almost 16 months now and although married is not easy at times I do absolutely love being married to my husband. He's my balance, my person. The one you go to wether you are having a good day or a bad day. When it's a good day they laugh right along with you and when it's a bad day they let you watch crappy reality television and has a bottle of wine open so it's ready for after you put this kids to bed.

My my grandmother didn't have crappy reality TV. They didn't have TV for almost 20 years after she got married. So how did she make it work? What was it that made it last for 50 years? And the only reason it didn't last longer was that my grandpa died in 1986. That's 24 years ago. How long would it have gone if he was still here? All of her sisters are sill married to their husbands as well and most of their husbands are still alive.

I am one of those people that never ever thought I would get married but I found that person that actually made me want to be married and I have never even thought twice about it. I joke with Brian constantly that I hope he knows he's in this for the long haul because my families genes go on forever so I really do want to get advice my grandma or her sisters or anyone else who has made a marriage last 10, 20, 50, 60+ years can possible help me, my friends, and anyone else who might be wondering the same thing. Just how did/do they make it work? I should ask Brian's grandparents the same thing. the have been married for I believe 62 years now and watching them is really one of the sweetest things you have ever seen. They are still so in love. They are each others person and I don't know what they would do without one another. I really need to start picking all their brains.... It's probably some pretty good advice.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been married 10 years yet but my wife and I are going on our 9th year. We got married pretty young being 20 and 21 respectively. Marriage is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with but I wouldn't trade it in for the world. What I have learned in my short 9 years of being married is the key to a happy marriage is giving. Give more than you take. Selfishness has no place in marriage. That's my 2 cents :)
    I hope you have a long and happy marriage. There is nothing better than sharing your life with your best friend.
    Aaron (@avgoins on Twitter)
