Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I so wish some of you could be there when I am filming these little sessions with GG or when we are just on the phone chatting. She is hands down one of the funniest people I have ever met. There's no question about it. What's great about it that she knows she funny and she knows I think she's funny (she's especially funny after about a glass and a half of her pink wine. That's when she really gets going. She doesn't put the glass down and she talks with her hands a lot so after a while you feel like you are being annointed with some sort of holy water).

She has this way of telling a story she knows you will find funny but in such a dead pan way that she is testing you to see if you get it. She'll give a little singular laugh at the end of these stories then hold her hands palm up towards you almost as if to say "you should be laughing at this point."

When I was a kid I spent a huge amount of time with her. She moved close to us after my grandfather died and she would pick up my sister and I after school and we would go to her house to play and just hang out with the kids in her neighborhood.

I must tell GG was a bad influence on me. She taught me how to ditch school. In the first grade she taught me how to ditch school. Now it's not like I just got up in left, she told me to tell my teacher I was sick so I could go home early and she would pick me up and we would go out to lunch with all seven of her sisters. She also had cable. I didn't have cable growing up so when ever I went home "sick" or stayed home "sick" she let me lay on her couch and watch TV. It was FANTASTIC! GG didn't really see the point of first grade. She didn't really see the point of kindergarten either.

GG dropped out of kindergarten after the first day. On day two she got to the corner by the school, refused to go any further and went home. Her parents made her go back but as she tells it she went back but they couldn't make her like it! (insert single laugh and raised hands here).

My mom likes to wash over the fact that she did the exact same thing. She dropped out of kindergarten after the first day as well because the nuns were mean. She never did go back to the nuns and instead went to the public school.

Now keep in mind that this is two generations in a row that have dropped out of Catholic school after the FISRT DAY. It was so horrible they didn't even make it a week before throwing up their hands and saying screw that mess! I'm not going back! So one would think that my mom would have sent me to public school right off the bat. But noooooo not my mom. If she had to go, I had to go. I was too stubborn to drop out though. I was so stubborn that I stuck it out all the way through high school. I was such a rebel. (insert single laugh and raised hands here).

And where are my kids going? Thats right people! Catholic school.

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